Freeware, Shareware, and Purchasable Fonts Galore
(c)1997 by Astigmatic One Eye Fonts
The Freeware Font included in this pack was created by Astigmatic One Eye Font Foundry. Since November of '96 I have been striving to create more high quality fonts, sometimes serious, sometimes bizarre, always interesting, and atleast 1 new FREEWARE font EVERY MONTH! Available for Macintosh and Windows PC in TrueType format.
I have over 50 fonts available online for viewing and download or purchase. If you download our Freeware fonts don't forget to check out what's available for purchase, after all, without your support I will be unable to offer you my free fonts EVERY MONTH. Any $10 font registration and purchase will get the full version of that particular font in whatever format best suits your needs, (Postscript, or TrueType.), and also a full copy of one of my special freebie with purchase fonts, some of my freeware fonts, and trial versions of some of my latest releases. Be sure to check out my full variety of fonts, always growing.
Visit A.O.E. at:
or send e-mail to:
You're welcome to pass the Freeware version of this font along for others to review, as long as this document is also included in the transfer. Many thanks for your consideration.
Please do not include this font on any CD-Roms without written consent from AOE. This font is not to be resold or remarketed. This font is free to use in any private manner. If you plan to use this font commercially in any manner please contact AOE concerning this for terms of commericial use.
Thank you.
All Rights Reserved by Astigmatic One Eye & CAV OP Studios�.
Brian J. Bonislawsky
Astigmatic One Eye Font Foundry
412 NW 187th St
N. Miami, FL 33169